
My Family

All about something...

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Empty Nest or Fully Blessed

As I travel through the seasons in my life, I realize how fragile the moments are with family. Some of you who know me, know that my home is full of chaos and yet I feel fully blessed.

Yes, this week is our week with the grandkids, Lexi and Tyler.  They are so full of life and fun and eagerness to please. They are such good kids. I love them and they are what makes me 'fully blessed'.

Yes, it is that time in our lives where we should be experiencing the empty nest syndrome and most of the time I am on the verge of screaming "get me off this vicious ride".  But, in all that matters in my life, the most important to me is giving the grandchildren a sense of normalcy.  They will always have an extended family. Their father who lives with us, their grand-parents, and their Uncle who lives with us. Recently, their Aunt Britt and family moved to Kentucky from their California home. Ty and Lexi are able to see them monthly vs. yearly. Not to mention they spend a week with us and then a week with their mother.

Yes, they are constantly surrounded with the complications of having multiple authority in their life.  Yet everyday Lexi awakes with a smile and a good attitude.  Tyler gets a good morning hug without fail and they have a hope each day that they will be and are loved.

So, what is all the fuss about this 'empty nest' thing...
Personally, I love being surrounded with family and the constant chaos that is creating the best memories, the character of future leaders and the seasons of life just keep on coming.  Bring it on.

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