
My Family

All about something...

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Committed or ?

I did the craziest thing the other day.  Two Saturdays ago I joined Weight Watchers. I thought I should stay in reality over the holidays.  WHAT was I THINKING!  Just kidding. I am feeling really great about how things are going.  I lost 3 pounds after the Thanksgiving holiday.  I thought I would be in big trouble, but in reality I am more focused than I thought.

What's next, exercise. I need to try and get exercise into my schedule this next week. I haven't been able to do anything along these lines since I developed plantars faciatis in my right heal.  OH the PAIN. But it is starting to get better and I am hoping that p90x can become a part of my routine again.

I also want to walk, so this week I might get the pedometer out and start tracking my 10,000 steps in a day strategy.

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