
My Family

All about something...

Hey, welcome to my blog. Spend time catching a glimpse of my family and my dreams and passions.

Thank you for stopping by.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 3 of 90... "I think I can"

Good Grief, this is going to be the hardest thing I have done in a long time.  Definitely it is causing me to stretch my stamina, my willingness to stay with something past 3 weeks and mostly, my stick-to-it mentality.  My stomach muscles are so sore.  Yikes, it hurt to get up and down in my office chair today.
My knees are killing me. Every step I took whether going up or down at work, envoked all the soreness in my legs all over again.

The good news is that when I am done, I will not be at my goals for weight loss, but I am absolutely positive I will be at my goals for being more fit.  At least more fit than when I started on September 6th, 2010.

I will try to post a couple of times a week on how things are going, only because it helps me stay accountable and encouraged.

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