
My Family

All about something...

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Brit left today for California

I sure miss her. It was hard not to be emotional, but we all stayed strong.

Our vacation together was awesome. We made lots of fun memories and spent many an hour - together.

The picture of the falls is the famous "Grotta Falls" and is ice cold coming down the mountain. They drove up the mountain to a landing, and parked. Then they proceeded to walk another two miles straight up to get to the falls. Brit and I didn't go, but all the boys did and they ran into a mama bear and her cub, a wild turkey, and some deer.

The next picture is the famous Cades Cove Mill, where the earliest settlers of that state began their small communities. You can imagine how amazing it was to see history in such a magnificent way. The old homesteads of the community are few and far between, but they are as old as the late 1700's.

1 comment:

MommaB said...

Other then the times Grandma kept reminding me of how fat I was, and trying to control everything every girl was eating there...It was really nice to see the family and play with the kids in the pools. The baby shower was awesome...amazing turn out! Sometimes it just feels good to be reminded how much people truely care about you! Leaving is the hardest thing to takes days, or weeks to get over being away! Miss you and Love you! I slept with the baby blanket you made to comfort me :) Sometimes we never want to grow up or away from our family.