
My Family

All about something...

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chesney Girls...

So, this time last year my hubby surprised both my daughter and I with two fantastic seats for the Kenny Chesney concert. What a great time.

Oh, how I miss the fun times my daughter and I have with each other. She is so far away now...California! What is really bad is she is expecting her first and I am having a hard time thinking about her going through the pregnancy and not being able to be close.

But, she and I talk everyday, even around the crazy time zone differences. She is so excited about her little one. His name is Brayden Michael O'Malley and he will be loved much! She is due October 16th and seems to be doing very well with the pregnancy...even without Mom around to coddle her every move!

I am so confident that Brittney will be the most amazing mother. She will be twice as good as I was and more! What a blessing! The new daddy is doing fine and they are enjoying the pregnancy together.

I love you Brittney. Miss you more each day.

1 comment:

MommaB said...

This brings instant tears to my eyes :( I am forever sad that you don't get to experience this pregnancy with me! More than ever I need my mother to guide me through. I can't wait to see you guys in two weeks in gatlinburg. I need my family time so much right now! I love you and miss you! I don't think I could ever be as great of a mother as you were...I wouldn't know anything I know about babies and children if it weren't for you! I LOVE YOU!