
My Family

All about something...

Hey, welcome to my blog. Spend time catching a glimpse of my family and my dreams and passions.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

What will you do Someday?

Learn a new language... Paint a still life... Write a book or screenplay... Travel Highway 66 in a VW BUG... Find an old friend... Find your long lost biological family at 45 years... See the aurora borealis... Fly a plane or helicopter... Mentor a child... Finish a marathon... Cure a disease... Live on a ranch... Explore a rainforest... Live off the grid... Hike the Appalachian Trail... Swim with the dolphins... Finish an ironman competition... Explore every continent by train... Fish every major trout stream on Earth... Buy a timeshare...Give to a charitable organization...Learn to play "Guitar Hero" with your kids/grandkids

Don't wait for Someday! Start right here, right now.

Take out a sheet of paper, and get started on making your Someday Dreams real. This is the first step towards pursuing your dreams of adventure and accomplishment.

Someday I Will...

* Someday I will go...
* Someday I want to...
* Someday I will stop...
* Someday I will have...
* Someday I will learn...
* Someday I want to earn...
* Someday I will play more...
* Someday my organization will...


Mimi said...
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Mimi said...

Someday I'll have a job I actually love.

Someday my bank balance will be worth smiling about.

Someday a conversation with M I S T E R. will make since.

Someday I will remember why I married him.

Someday hotdogs will be known as the perfect diet food.

Someday I will own a house on the beach.

Someday I will weigh 150 lbs and it won't be because of a tapeworm.

Someday I will have the perfect wardrobe and shoes to match.

Frosty said...

i will take the tapeworm since my diet is out the door with a gain of 3 pounds