It is my intention to continue to do the things I don't want to do, so that, I can live a long and healthy life.
However frustrating this intention might be, I continue to battle the hurdles of a lame foot, and now a very lame flu/cold.
So, getting rest, drinking lots of fluids... feeding a cold, starving a fever... and all the other cliche's that go with this scenario... I am going to win this battle.
Today is the third day of a nasty flu bug. But I actually think I feel energy. Can you think it into existence? That is my goal. I plan on thinking it all day! "Yes, I feel energy" "Yes, I can clean up the kitchen" "Yes, I can do laundry".... Well, so far I am thinking that I am doing great with sitting up instead of laying in the bed curled in the fetal position.
P90X is going to have to wait for another day!